To learn more about membership, visit Interested individuals should send a letter of interest to: Alabama APSE PO Box 240691 Montgomery, AL 36124 In your letter, please explain why you think you are a good fit for the organization. List your current work and past work that included supporting people with disabilities. Also, please list any other organizations that you hold a membership. Email: if you have questions. We Want You (PDF)
The AL-APSE, The Network on Employment was formed in 1997 as a chapter of APSE, The Network on Employment. It is our goal to improve and expand integrated employment opportunities, services, and outcomes for persons with disabilities through employment with supports (supported employment). AL-APSE is a membership organization with members from all part of Alabama. This website is designed as a resource to: Facilitate Alabama's supported employment process for people with disabilities; Provide useful employment related information for Alabamians with disabilities; Encourage the hiring of people with disabilities on a statewide level. |
PO Box 240691
Montgomery, AL 36124
This site is made possible by a grant from the Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities