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AL-APSE, Association for Persons Supporting Employment First


Employer Highlights

Alabama APSE sponsored a three day intensive customer driven Supported Employment training for Job Coaches. The training was held March 28-30, 2007 in Birmingham, Alabama. The emphasis of the training was building new networks with businesses in order to assist citizens with disabilities in securing suitable employment. Thirty five job coaches and managers attended this certificate training lead by Valerie Brooke and Howard Green, faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. AL-APSE is pleased to offer this training opportunity through funding provided by the Alabama DD council.

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Byron White explaining APSE to training participant.

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Job coaches designing an employer directed marketing script of their services.

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Dan Crumpton, Human Resources Director with Triad Hospital shares techniques for contacting businesses.

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Job Coach discusses potential networking opportunities with Beth Butler, representative from Wachovia.

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Stephanie Howard with Snelling Staffing getting to know a local job coach.

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Stephanie Howard sharing placement ideas for people with disabilities.


AL-APSE, The Network on Employment

PO Box 240691
Montgomery, AL 36124

This site is made possible by a grant from the Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities